Silence. with His accompany. ♥

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I am passionate about * Exciting things. A tiny living creature is enough to cheer one's life. *Warm, enthusiastic and live in the world of possibilities. *Passion and it lends me the ability to inspire and motivate others, which by I can talk my way in or out of anything. * Love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it. *Owning an ability to embrace change and variety, and even be enthusiastic about it, as I realize that it is a real asset to deal with change on a very regular basis *Being flexible and adaptable, I am open- minded to change in many forms. *Willing to meet new people and experience new places, ideas and possibilities while easily build up a rapport with all sorts of people, network with ease and do well in jobs that involve reading people. *Loving to work in projects be it architectural or social. Striking for excellence in doing everything while enhancing positive values and quality. *Strongly believing that positive mind can change a person's whole life and I have a flame in motivating people working in a same team with same goal with me.

Tuesday 17 June 2014


Housing study和construction law.
剩下的environmental science II, 我们好好认识一下!
HEHEHE, 生活继续大愉快心情继续大漂亮!
那种体型迷你很方便携带又能无时无刻在你汗流浃背很恶心的时候送上两滴清新芬芳的心头爱 (小姐你是真的蛮需要的但那么小罐是要符合你一天的量吗 T.T 哭奔哈哈哈)
HOT PANTS OR SKIRTY?! 哈,好爱这种短短的top! 那花纹好看,配热裤碎花裙一样百搭!woohoo夏天真好!(哈囖大马是每天都很夏好吗-.-)HAHAHAHAHA

With love and dignity, Joey. 

Just as a tiny seed can become a giant redwood tree, you have only scratched the surface of your potential. You have the creator of the universe on your team and you've been given the ball, so run with it. Run knowing that you have immeasurable potential.

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